
Xanakee ua cas koj thiaj hloov siab
Xanakee ua cas koj thiaj hloov siab

xanakee ua cas koj thiaj hloov siab

#Xanakee ua cas koj thiaj hloov siab how to#

a2 hehehe naw sho is a2 must be stacie The twin of Alex N u * `MzLeLe` =] is on IRC aww y where in mn are u from ntxhais Nyob zoo txhua leej txhua tug iono he didn't reply back to me email dont tell me its jealous ness going around a2 kevin u start school yet? LOL ntxhais let me guess your real name is ntxhais right mej pua muaj kev lom zem yes LIL_tahaan_ but of course yeah i think so ladie lol lols silly butt still a little sin dont hurt no one lolz a2 kevin u start school yet? * Parts: LaDy_21 ( =mAvzspxs- stp im not a saint! * LIL_tahaan_ throws up the W for west coast the city mn this morning i was chatting to mango and i think that got to him i'll make sure he e-mail u tomorrow what about u? hahah ok lasie do u know how to private ntxhais threaten him with my shiney fingers lol ladie* lols I'm going to start up my AA again :) i'm from Michigan ntxhais * Joins: `MzLeLe` ( =) * Joins: ichiban ( =.au) what do u mean private? hrmm okay its 11:11 already but i dont knoe brandons been in and out hi mzlele Molly with B now? *sighs* a2 hi ichiban!! double click on my name ntxhais to private chat with me aThat boy moves around quick * LIL_tahaan_ its a blessing to reside all your life here in california y don't u ask him ladie lol sure i just dont want to i want to see what he gonna do * Quits: AVguy ( =.net) (QUIT: * Quits: HTT_414_guy ( =4QNSW-47-81-228-734.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT : User exited) lols azn * Guest85316 is now known as Bamboo-Shoot i was about to say why would brandon be mad at u for hahah ladie * Guest90569 is now known as Awoman lets go to bed! hehehe ) who brandon hello godbamble a2 hi ladie 918 Haha Kayla.yes it was me some think and some strive for? so which one am i? hi brownEye lurker! no sho ladie a2 hahah that is funnie hi ntxhais go into private ugh * Joins: AznGuy ( =KvHWK-90-34-498-391.wi.res.rr.com) bored oh hi alex hellos azn a2 hi alex hey hey But this isn't Alex * LIL_tahaan_ keep in mind at the same time the scripture '' live by the spirit not by the flesh ''. what? b ello meh bored b u dont like me no more? but i'm not picking up his calls tonite ) (QUIT: User exited) juss how's the band? why not pick up his calls? a2 no u dont like me no more kevin a2 not me * LIL_tahaan_ who here know scorpions' music just fine cali cause i'm about to hop to bed ok:) yes we all need to make a difference in the world and leaave our mark he at work ladie * Joins: Guest90569 ( =) i think he mad at me though ummm.i guess so a2 ally is that u sleeeping in the pix? come on molly. a2 where kevin go? others think of success while other strives for success i'm so bored * Joins: Hai-Hai-Bye-Bye ( =) * ChanServ sets mode: +b * Hai-Hai-Bye-Bye was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk : spam host) * Quits: KuvNaibNiamNyobTWG ( =IL19.5.58.25.ptr.us.xo.net) (QUIT: Us er exited) b no where b just reading dhaving fun.tuaj thiab los phooj ywg * juss is bored too ladie b reading my book a2 why arent u talking to me are you saying that you dong? ladie.where's ur man? * Passionate_wildman is now known as I_luv_2_lick_pu55y a2 u dont like me no more :-( i dont knoe i meant dont. ) (QUIT: User exited) a2 thats why no i don't Haha Kayla.I know he does haha LIL_tahaan_ wait til i work for UNICEF a2 hi kengi!! He need glasses * Joins: wan^girlcute ( =) * ChanServ sets mode: +b * wan^girlcute was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk) a2 ^_^ its nice to know some people still have goals and dreams to chase after in life Hi Kengi Still working towards that a2 double glasses * Dangerous_kid =.net] is on IRC (showpage) kayla is ally and her sister's lost triplets! all 3 of th em look identical hahha * LIL_tahaan_ pahoua let me know when ya'll going to run some relief eff orts into laos, i'd like to have a few word with them commies.

xanakee ua cas koj thiaj hloov siab xanakee ua cas koj thiaj hloov siab

pix prove it already yes i am quit determined a2 ally * Joins: kengi ( =.) * ChanServ sets mode: +o kengi a2 tou has bad eyes b hi juss * Quits: BeautiWithin ( =Qvguvcgy- no need to see her in person to say that she 's hot.

xanakee ua cas koj thiaj hloov siab

Session Start: Wed Aug 24 00:00:00 2005 Session Ident: #hmongtalk hi lilo angoe ally is hot.

Xanakee ua cas koj thiaj hloov siab